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Holistic Psychedelic Integration

Use your journey work as a gateway to a happier life. Experience real and lasting transformation by adding yoga, nutrition and lifestyle medicine to your healing  journey.

If you are seeking lasting change, don't come to psychedelic medicine on a wing and prayer.

'Miracle' healings are rare, and 'setting an intention' is usually not enough for the results most people are hoping for from psychedelic experiences.

In order to get the most out of psychedelic medicine,

you must include all aspects of your health before, during, and after your journey, which means expanding out of the western symptom-management model and taking ownership of your own wellbeing.

You can take charge of your healing  journey with psychedelics through education and by adding the supportive practices required for lasting change.


Unlock your ability to heal​


Gain more peace & clarity


Connect with who you are

Jen Bruce

Meet Jen Bruce

Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Certified Holistic Health Coach; Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle Practitioner; Psychedelic Integration Specialist; Transformational Recovery Coach; Whole Foods Chef and Educator, Activist

In 2011, I made a life-changing decision to prioritize my healing journey by choosing sobriety. I had been battling anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue, and illness for most of my life, and I eventually found relief in drinking. As for most of us who find ourselves here, these things ran in my family, but I was determined to find a way to change my legacy as my life depended at the age of 30 on it.

Realizing that conventional medicine couldn't provide the solutions I sought, I ventured into holistic medicine. I discovered the remarkable potential of the human mind and body to heal when given the right conditions. I found healing through education, yoga and meditation, nutrition, the transformative effects of psychedelics in theraputic settings, reconnecting to nature,  the resilience-building properties of herbal medicine, and unsubscribing to the stress-based cultural norms that inherently produce illness, which ultimately allowed me to reconnect to my spirit.

Now, after 13 years of devotion to my personal healing journey, I've found long-term freedom from addiction, anxiety, depression, illness, and fatigue. My transformation has inspired me to help others unlock their own healing abilities because we all have this within us just waiting to come out of dormancy.

What I learned the hard way is that healing is both messy and simple, and that many of the most powerful tools available to us are free. We have forgotten that we are designed to heal, and how to take care of ourself mentally, physically, and spiritually to keep this birthright within each one of us activated so that ulitmatly, we can have a happy life.

I draw from a wide-ranging toolbox that includes deep personal and professional experience, ongoing mentorships, and certifications in Health Coaching, Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle, Herbal Medicine, Kundalini Yoga, Addiction and Mental Health Nutrition, Trauma, Transformational Recovery Coaching, and Psychedelic Facilitation and Integration.

When not helping others, I joyfully continue my healing journey in Humboldt County, California, alongside my wonderful daughter Avery. I firmly believe that everyone deserves the freedom to reach their full potential, and actively contribute to Decriminalize Nature Humboldt County CA, an organization striving to provide safe access to plant medicines for personal growth and healing in community-based settings.

Meet Jen

Psychedelics are a doorway, not a magic pill.

Psychedelics are meant to show us what we need to do, they don't do it for us. They can often help us feel better quickly, but without a holistic integration strategy, these positive benefits will almost always begin to fade and eventually they will disappear.


Psychedelics gift us with only a short window of opportunity. Following the experience itself,  if not immediately followed up with proper shifts in our daily lives, the opportunity for lasting change will be missed.


Psychedelics don't just work to heal our thinking mind, they work to heal the body as well. These intelligent medicines understand the connectivity of the mind-body system, which is why they often work where conventional medicine  and therapy fail. No amount of psychedelic therapy will override the toxic, inflammatory, and stressful lifestyle that is making everyone sick to begin with.  Just talking about our experience will not heal most of the conditions people come to psychedelics to treat. Our lifestyle is the primary thing that needs to be changed on the integration path. If we do this, our mental and physical health will naturally improve. Psychedelics can only offer us insight and motivation on how to do this. 

Applying psychedelics to the existing western medical model is an attempt to fix a broken model with a different 'drug'. Psychedelics won't make this model work. Psychedelic medicine is holistic by nature, and will only be truly effective when working in tandem with other holistic tools. Even emerging systems of psychedelic coaching and therapy are missing the mark as they are still solely focusing only on mindset, still ignoring the body's essential role of the mind-body system that psychedelics inherently work within.


To keep the precious gifts of healing and reprieve from suffering that psychedelics can temporarily offer us, we must nurture them through the support of yoga, herbal medicine, diet and lifestyle practices. We can't expect to return home and find healing soley from the visions we may have seen while traveling the psychedelic superhighway. If we take care of ourselves, the clarity and intuition we receive through psychedelic journeys can stay with us long-term, and continue to guide us on our path. This is called the 'bottom up' approach, which is rooted in the ancient wisdom that cultivating  healing soils beginning in the physical body will naturally support better mental, emotional and spiritual health, clarity and vitality. We don't think our way into feeling better, we act our way into it.

Why Naturopathy

A balanced daily life is foundational
to long term healing and wellbeing. 

Walking the medicine path means we choose to listen to our symptoms rather than suppress them, to understand what our body is saying to us.

 Gift yourself with education and the supportive measures you can take for a better chance of successful healing with psychedelics here at Humans Can Heal.

Herb Drawing

Nourish your body to power your healing

Understanding how to use food, herbs and supplements daily to support your body and brain is fundamentally required to heal from any chronic health condition of the mind-body system. Everything you need to know is available here.

Psychedelic Medicine
Learn the skill of psychedelic healing

Initiate the healing process within your body, mind and spirit from anxiety, depression, addiction, trauma, chronic stress, chronic illness, or optimize your existing health and find an entirely new level of purpose and wellbeing with education and guidance on the responsible and prescriptive use of psychedelic medicines. 

Make each moment medicinal

Nature is designed to support our health. Learn to step out of today's illness-producing lifestyle norms and harness the power of natural resources and cycles to regulate and restore every cell and system in your body for strength and vitality.

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Kundalini Yoga
Self-heal with breath, movement and meditation

Kundalini yoga is the ancient art and science of living our best life. It nourishes us on very level of our being and is a perfect support system for psychedelic integration Learn to move stress and stuck emotions out of your system to support the work of psychedelics for greater clarity, intuition, peace, resiliance and happiness moving forward

Community is vital to human health

We meet weekly in the membership for learning, integration, support, coaching and Q&A

Release Limiting Beliefs

Our thoughts ultimately determine if we are sick or healthy. Learn to deprogram your mind from the  thinking that keeps you from healing and stuck in old patterns.


Jen has been instrumental in my recovery both from an addiction standpoint and health standpoint being that I have a chronic illness. I could've never done this without her.

I've been sober for 2.5 years now and I couldn't have made it this far without Jen.


Thanks for joining the journey.

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