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Holistic Wellness for People Recovering from Addiction

I teach people recovering from addiction non-pharmacological ways to overcome cravings and heal from anxiety, depression, fatigue, and other common health challenges that arise in recovery through the integration of trauma-informed nutrition, herbalism, lifestyle medicine, and kundalini yoga.

Embrace Whole-Person Healing with a
Mind-Body-Spirit Approach to Your Recovery

Hey there! Ready to dive deep into healing and truly transform your recovery journey? It’s amazing how much our body and mind can recover when we support them with the right tools. I’m here to share some education, personal insight, and  incredible holistic practices that can help you heal from the underlying roots of addiction, anxiety, depression, and other "co-occuring disorders".

The tools you'll discover here....


Hi, I'm Jen 

Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Certified Holistic Health Coach; Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle Practitioner; Psychedelic Integration Specialist; Transformational Recovery Coach; Whole Foods Chef and Educator

In 2011, I made a life-changing decision to prioritize my healing journey by choosing sobriety. I had been battling anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue, and illness for most of my life, and I eventually found relief in drinking. As for most of us who find ourselves here, these things ran in my family, but I was determined to find a way to change my legacy as my life depended at the age of 30 on it.

Realizing that conventional medicine couldn't provide the solutions I sought, I ventured into holistic medicine. I discovered the remarkable potential of the human mind and body to heal when given the right conditions. I found healing through education, 12-Steps, yoga and meditation, nutrition, the transformative effects of psychedelics in theraputic settings, reconnecting to nature,  the resilience-building properties of herbal medicine, and unsubscribing to the stress-based cultural norms that inherently produce illness, which ultimately allowed me to reconnect to my spirit.

Now, after 13 years of devotion to my personal healing journey, I've found long-term freedom from addiction, anxiety, depression, illness, and fatigue. My transformation has inspired me to help others unlock their own healing abilities because we all have this within us just waiting to come out of dormancy.

What I learned the hard way is that healing is both messy and simple, and that many of the most powerful tools available to us are free. We have forgotten that we are designed to heal, and how to take care of ourself mentally, physically, and spiritually to keep this birthright within each one of us activated so that ulitmatly, we can have a happy life.

I draw from a wide-ranging toolbox that includes deep personal and professional experience, ongoing mentorships, and certifications in Health Coaching, Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle, Herbal Medicine, Kundalini Yoga, Addiction and Mental Health Nutrition, Trauma, Transformational Recovery Coaching, and Psychedelic Facilitation and Integration.

When not helping others, I joyfully continue my healing journey in Humboldt County, California, alongside my wonderful daughter Avery. 

Meet Jen


Jen has been instrumental in my recovery both from an addiction standpoint and health standpoint being that I have a chronic illness. I could've never done this without her.

I've been sober for 2.5 years now and I couldn't have made it this far without Jen.


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